Hundred Dollar Bills

Prize Link Savings Official Account and Prize Entry Rules

Prize Link Savings Official Account and Prize Entry Rules

The Robins Financial Credit Union (“Credit Union”) Prize Link Savings Promotion Raffle (“Raffle”) begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st of the current year (“Raffle Period”). The following Official Account and Prize Entry Rules (“Official Rules”) apply to all Raffle participants.


The Raffle is open to all natural persons who, at the time of entry: (a) are Credit Union members; (b) at least 18 years of age; c) are residents of a state in which Prize Linked Savings Account (or any other similarly situated savings product that enables members to enter into drawings to win prizes on the basis of their deposits) is permitted; and (d) who maintain an account in Good Standing with the Credit Union (“Eligible Members”). Officers, directors and employees of the participating Credit Union and/or their immediate family members (e.g. spouse, child, sibling, or parent or the spouse of a child, sibling, or parent). Some states may impose other eligibility requirements. Where applicable state law imposes other eligibility requirements, those eligibility requirements will control. Entries received from persons who do not meet the requirements of an Eligible Member will not be included in the Raffle. An account is in Good Standing if:

  • You have a positive balance at the time of the drawing(s);
  • No legal orders, levies, liens, delinquent loans;
  • You are not in Bankruptcy;
  • You have not caused the Credit Union a loss;
  • You have not damaged any Credit Union property;
  • You have not exhibited disorderly behavior on any Credit Union premises;
  • You have not engaged in threatening, harassing, obscene or profane communications of any sort to or with any Credit Union director(s), committee member(s), officer(s), employee(s), or member(s);
  • You have not committed any criminal acts against the Credit Union or its director(s), committee member(s), officer(s), employee(s), or member(s); and
  • You have not violated the Credit Union’s bylaws or policies.


To participate in the Raffle, Eligible Members must open a qualifying Prize Links Savings with the Credit Union during the Raffle Period (“Participating Member”). Refer to the Credit Union’s account disclosures for any account details, account limitations and/or applicable fees.


Participating Members will receive Raffle entries automatically based on the following:

  • One (1) entry for every $25 increase in the monthly balance of the qualifying Prize Link Savings at month’s end.
  • A maximum of twenty-five (25) entries per month per Participating Member for the monthly Prize Drawings;
  • A maximum of seventy-five (75) entries for each quarterly Prize Drawing; and
  • A maximum of three hundred (300) entries for each annual Prize Drawing.

Automatic entries will be recorded by the Credit Union once the balance is calculated at month-end processing. Qualifying deposits must be received and posted by the Credit Union prior to the nightly process being initiated on the last day of each month. Automatic entries are eligible to win only during the drawing period in which they were submitted. Other than making deposits as described in these Official Rules, no other action, and no other purchase or other consideration is required for an entry into a prize drawing.


  • Monthly - Ten (10) winning entries will be randomly selected to receive a $25.00 cash prize and ten (10) winning entries will be randomly selected to receive a $100.00 cash prize;
  • Quarterly - Three (3) winning entries will be randomly selected to receive a $500.00 cash prize; and
  • Annually - Two (2) winning entries will be randomly selected to receive a $2,000.00 cash prize.


All cash prizes from the drawings will be deposited into the winning Participating Member’s Prize Link Savings.

All winners will be selected from all eligible participants in the drawing pool. Drawings will occur on or about the first business day of each month, for the previous month, quarter end and year end for which valid entries will be determined. Additional special drawings, in amounts to be determined, may be announced from time to time.

Winning Participating Members will be notified via telephone or email. Prizes are non-transferrable. Participating Members need not be present at the drawing to win.


In order to be eligible to win a prize in a drawing, a Participating Member’s Qualifying Prize Link Savings must be open and active through the drawing period. A Participating Member is limited to winning one prize per specific drawing. All transactions constituting Raffle entries must occur within a state in which the Raffle is permitted. The Credit Union shall confirm the Participating Member’s eligibility by verifying identity, age and certifying that all transactions constituting Raffle entries occurred within a state in which the Raffle is permitted, before the Participating Member can receive any prize. If the Credit Union is unable to verify eligibility for any reason within five (5) business days of notification that the Participating Member is a winner, the Participating Member shall forfeit the prize involved and the prize will be awarded to the first alternate winner. If a Participating Member is not an Eligible Member, such Participating Member will continue to be the accountholder of the Qualifying Account, but deposits to the account will not constitute qualifying Raffle entries.


Actual odds of winning are based upon the number of eligible entries received. Each eligible entry shall have a chance of winning that is equal to that of all other entries in the Raffle. Except for making deposits as described in these Official Rules, taking any other action, or purchasing any goods or services, will not increase the odds of winning.


Robins Financial Credit Union, may periodically send the Participating Members raffle related communications electronically via email in connection with the Raffle or your Prize Link Savings. These communications may include, raffle drawing date reminders, number of entries earned, and other raffle related reminders. Participating Members may choose to opt out of these communications at any time.


Prize Link Savings entries and prize drawings are conducted by the Credit Union.


By entering the Raffle, Participating Members agree to abide by and be bound by these Official Rules, as may be amended from time to time, and to accept the decisions of the Credit Union as final. Participating Members also agree to hold the Credit Union and each of their officers, directors, employees, members, representatives, and agents (“Parties”) harmless from any liability arising from participation in the Raffle, or the acceptance of any prize. The Parties are not responsible for any negligence, claims, liability, injury, property loss, or other damages of Participating Members, entrants and/or winners arising from, or in connection with, acceptance of prizes awarded or participation in the Raffle. The Credit Union reserves the right to disqualify Participating Members, entrants and/or winners who fail to follow these Official Rules, as some may be amended from time to time, or who make any misrepresentations relative to the Raffle and prize redemption.


By participating in the Raffle, each winning Participating Member grants to the Parties the right and permission to use the winning Participating Member’s name, voice, city/state of residence, photograph and/or likeness and prize won in promotional and other materials, via all forms of media now known or hereafter devised worldwide, in perpetuity, without any further or additional notice, attribution, permission or compensation (other than the prize(s) won), except where prohibited by law. Each winning Participating Member further agrees that their name and prize won may be revealed to other Participating Members upon request.


All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity interpretation, and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of entrants, Participating Members, prize winners, and the Parties in connection with the Raffle, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the substantive laws of the State of Georgia, without regard to its choice of law principles, and applicable Federal law.


Winning Participating Members are solely responsible for all applicable federal, state and local taxes and any expenses associated with the prize, unless otherwise indicated. The Credit Union will issue an IRS 1099 MISC form for all rewards or winnings totaling $600 or more for the applicable tax year.


Credit Union may substitute prizes of equivalent value, amend these Official Rules or discontinue the Raffle at any time. Credit Union disclaims any responsibility to notify Participating Members of any aspect related to the conduct of the Raffle. Written copies of these Official Rules are available at any time by visiting or by contacting us during normal business hours.