Making the Most of Your Credit Cards
Credit cards can be an incredibly beneficial tool to build your credit and financial responsibility, as long as you manage them wisely. Credit cards can come with rewards programs or features that can help you better organize your finances. With a Robins Financial Credit Card, you get all of this and more. Taking advantage of the features and benefits available to you will help you make the most of your credit cards.
Understand Your Features
Review your credit card agreement and information to make sure you are aware of which features are available to you and that you understand how to use them. Look for information about rewards programs, security features, insurance features, payment options, etc. These features can vary greatly from card to card, so it’s important to make sure you understand yours.
Track Your Activity
If you’re not already familiar, check to you see how you are able to view your credit card activity. Most card offer access to your account online, so you can check your balance, track your spending, and make your payments all in one convenient place. With your Robins Financial Credit Card, you can track your card activity along with your other accounts in Digital Banking. Monitoring your account activity helps you stay on top of your spending, but it also allows you to easily notice if there are any suspicious charges on your card.
Maintain Your Budget
Credit cards can be used as a helpful budgeting tool. If you have more than one card, you may prefer to use specific cards for certain expenses to help you keep track of them more easily. You may also be able to track your credit card purchases by category. This can help you determine if you’re spending is on target for items in your budget such as groceries, bills, or transportation.
Automate Your Payments
Many cards allow you to set up automatic payments, so you can make sure you never miss another payment. This can be especially useful for payments like utilities or other recurring bills that will incur fees or penalties if a payment is submitted late. Scheduling automatic payments will protect your pocket from avoidable fees, and can also be a great way to accumulate rewards for spending.
Receive Alerts
Setting up alerts on your credit card is another great way for you to stay on top of your spending. With e-Alerts for your Robins Financial Credit Card, you can set alerts for specific card activity or when you’ve reached a certain balance. This way you’ll know when to reign it in and pay down your balance. You can set up and manage e-Alerts within your account in Digital Banking.
Stay Protected with Security Features
Check to see which security features are available to you with your credit card. We offer Robins Financial's Cards app, our free mobile app that puts you in control and lets you remotely manage all aspects of your Robins Financial credit and debit cards. This app allows you to turn your card on and off from your mobile device, no matter where you are. So if you’ve lost your card or know you won’t be using it for a while, you can simply turn your card off, and then turn it back on once you’re ready to use it again. With this app, you can help prevent card fraud before it even happens.
Utilize Your Rewards
One of the best ways you can get the full value of your credit card is by taking advantage of the specific rewards that come with your card. Different types of cards may offer anything from double points on certain types of purchases to a percentage of cash back on certain purchases. With your Robins Financial Visa® Platinum Rewards Card, you have access to the Scorecard® Rewards Program. Knowing which rewards your card offers and planning your purchases to maximize your rewards can add up to significant savings over time.
At Robins Financial, our credit cards work for you, which is why we offer the lowest rates possible, low to no fees, and great perks through the Scorecard® Rewards Program. View our rates and credit card agreement for more information, or apply online now or over the phone.