Automatic Payments Just Got Easier
New card? No problem!
Your payment information may change for a number of reasons, like when your current card expires and you are issued a new one, if you have to replace a lost or stolen card, or periodic upgrades from your cardholder. It can be a hassle to update your card info everywhere you have it saved.
With Visa Account Updater, you can have a seamless transition when your Robins Financial Credit Union debit or credit card is updated. We’ll help update your card info automatically with eligible merchants and service providers that have your payment details saved so you don’t have to.*
When you get a new card, you can:
- Skip the hassle of manually updating your payment information for online accounts
- Prevent declined payments
- Avoid service interruptions
- Count on Robins Financial to keep your card info secure
All cardholders are automatically enrolled in Visa Account Updater; there is nothing you need to do to initiate this service.
If you wish to opt-out of this service, please make an appointment at a branch or contact our Call Center at 478-923-3773.
*Not all merchants participate in automatic updates; we encourage you to verify your payment information with merchants. Updates are not guaranteed before the next billing cycle.