Making the Most of Your Cards
Every time you make a purchase, you decide which payment method you will use for the purchase. Will you use cash, debit or credit? If you have multiple credit cards, which one will you use? Even though each payment option gives you access to your money, it pays to be smart about when to use each payment type and understand their differences. When it comes to using your cards, when and how you use them can have a huge impact on your personal finances.
No matter what combination of cards you use, your financial behavior determines whether you are making the most of them, or letting them get the best of you. Follow these tips to make the most of your debit and credit cards:
Stay Organized
Forgetting about a credit card bill could result in a hefty late fee, a high interest rate, and it could even hurt your credit score. If you lose track of your account statements, you could accidentally overdraw your account and be hit with a fee. Organization is the key to avoiding late or missed payments. There’s no need to have a filing cabinet for receipts and account statements; set up automatic payments in Digital Banking to make sure you never miss another payment again.
Track Your Balances
Stay on top of your accounts to avoid overspending. You can monitor your Robins Financial account anytime, anywhere using Digital Banking. You can also set up alerts to be notified instantly of your account activity. If you have a credit card from another lender, check to see if they offer an online payment portal or other tools that can help you stay on top of your accounts and payments.
Understand the Fees
It’s important to know the ins and outs of your specific cards, especially when it comes to fees. Be aware if you have a transaction limit on your debit card, or a minimum balance you need to maintain in your checking account. Make sure there aren’t any monthly fees you will have to worry about. Read the fine print of your card agreement, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your Robins Financial Credit Union Visa® Debit Card has no transaction limits or monthly maintenance fees.
Understand the Features
Your cards may come with benefits that you don’t even know about. Familiarize yourself with the features of your cards so you can be sure to take advantage of the benefits available to you. With your Robins Financial Credit Union Visa® Debit Card, you can enjoy all of the same benefits available to you with your checking account. Your Robins Financial Credit Union Visa® Platinum Rewards Credit Card is one of the best credit cards you can carry and is designed to offer you premium purchasing power. Accepted worldwide, our Visa® Credit and Debit cards are an excellent way to save you time and money. We offer top-of-the-line security, great rates, and convenient payment options to make your life even easier!
Are you ready to apply for a credit card? You can view rate information and our credit card agreement online now. Apply online, stop by one of our branches, or give us a call to find out more.