Beginning a savings plan is a great step to getting your finances in order. Unexpected expenses come up all the time and it helps to have an emergency fund when you need it. Robins Financial wants to help you reach your savings goals. We have the best products to help you!
We’re excited to announce the Smart Start Savings Account. This special savings account is designed to promote healthy savings behaviors by giving you the opportunity to earn a higher dividend with a lower savings account balance.
Smart Start Savings Account Benefits:
- $25 minimum opening deposit
- No minimum balance required
- Save more with a competitive dividend rate
To open your Smart Start Savings Account, all you’ll need is to:
- Have a MyStash or Second Chance Checking Account with a debit card
- Enroll in Change the Way You Save
- Sign up for Overdraft Protection
- Enroll in e-statements
Ready to save more with less? Open your account today!
*The account qualifiers listed above must be met to open a Smart Start Savings Account. Only one Smart Start Savings Account per qualifying account. Account qualifications are validated quarterly and if they are not met, the Smart Start Savings account will convert to a regular savings account that has a minimum balance requirement.