1. You will need to enter your First, Last Name and Email.
  2. Then select Next.

  1. In window number 2, you will need to enter your Member Number.
  2. Enter your Birthday in the format of 00/00/0000.
  3. And enter your Last Four of SSN.
  4. Then review the Terms of Service and check the box if you agree.
  5. And select Next to proceed.

  1. In window number 3, you will need to Create a Password and Confirm the Password.
  2. Then select Next to proceed.

  1. Window number 4 is the successful processing message. You can either select Continue to proceed into the portal or Close to go back to the portals homepage.

  1. Once you log into the portal, the homepage will have the following available:
    1. Accounts & Loans – which allows you to Setup AutoPay and Pay Now for all loans opened with Robins Financial and shows the current Amount Due for each loan.
    2. History – shows all of the payment history for each specific loan made in the payment portal.
    3. Profile – allows you to change your Email, Password and add additional Payment Methods.

  1. Follow the below steps for the Pay Now option:
  2. Enter the Payment Date in the format of 00/00/0000.
  3. Select which Account the funds will be transferred from. (If there are no accounts available the drop down will show Add Another Payment Method)
  4. The Summary section shows the Payment Date, Amount to Pay, any Fees accrued and the Total Payment amount.
  5. Add Another Payment Method drops down from Account, behind this drop down is where you will enter the Payment Amount:

  1. A window will appear to confirm the method we use to verify your account.
  2. You will then search for your financial institution.
  3. If your bank allows, follow the prompts to log into your external financial institution.

  1. If your financial institution is not found you can manually enter your information by selecting exit and then Manually Link Bank Account.

  1. To manually enter your information select Account Type. This will allow you to select from a Personal Checking or Savings as well as Business Checking or Savings. You will select which one corresponds to the external Financial Institution.
  2. Complete the form with the Name on Account, Routing Number, and Account Number and select Link Account

  1. For Setup AutoPay select which Pay From Account the funds will be transferred from. (If there are no accounts available the drop down will show Add Another Payment Method)
  2. Enter the Payment Amount.
  3. Select the payment Frequency; Monthly, Every Two Weeks or Weekly.
  4. Select the Start Date
  5. Select the End Date; Until You Cancel or On a Specific Date.
  6. Add a check mark if you wish to have the transfer Process Before the scheduled date, if the selected date falls on a non-banking day. If this is not selected then it will process on the next available banking day.

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